Monday, September 9, 2013

Meeting with the Salt Lake County Mayor

Last Monday I was sitting at the computer and I decided to email the Salt Lake County Mayor, I received a phone call the next day on the way to Braxton's school and they said they recieved my email and that they were having an open door for the people in the community to come and talk with the mayor about concerns they have, he said that the appointments had been full for quite sometime but that 2 minutes after he had read my email a lady called and cancelled her appointment, so I was able to go and meet with Mayor McAdams.  RaKelle was able to come with me, when we got there we filled out some paperwork to explain what we were there for, I went back with a guy from the mayor's office and he explained to me how things would work, they had called the director of Human Services to sit in on the meeting and they listened to me and told me that something was happening with Valley Mental Health and that Salt Lake County was taking it over and so they are able to make changes to the policies and things.  I said it is very important to stop basing services on age it should be based on illness and they all were in agreement with me.  The mayor happened to be the same age as Jaren and was able to relate.  I felt like I was able to accomplish some things and even if they don't happen in the next few months it will help a ton of others in the future.  I took teh letters from my kids and gave them a copy of them, I also gave them a bunch of websites that they could go to for more information on MLD and FTD.  I feel like these trials I am living through will help people in the future and they don't have to ever feel like I do about no respite care.

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