Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day with the Doctor

We had another appointment with the neurologist this past weekend and it went smooth. I took a list of questions with me to ask and she took the time to answer the questions I had. I asked her why she did not want to start him on the Alzheimers meds and she stated that she has researched it and she said that nobody has ever been treated with alzheimers meds that have MLD, she didn't know that I was not working and she did not want Jaren to try something that she didn't know what the outcome would bring while he was home alone, she stated that sometimes the meds can make the patient more aggressive, she said she is willing to give it a try knowing now that I am home with him but she would like to give the Depakote another try before trying something different. She asked him to fold a piece of paper in half and set it on the floor and he could not figure out how to fold it in half he kept folding it into thirds and then he just gave up and threw it back on the table, after we left the office I was wondering what that kind of stuff means, and what is going through the doctors mind when he can't fold the paper in half. She also mentioned that she would like to start working on getting Palliative care for him which is like hospice but when you are on hospice your life expectancy is supposed to be under 6 months with palliative there really isn't a life expectancy limit, but it will help me out with respite care so that I can have some freetime to myself and she stated that it would also somehow give the kids a break I am not really sure how it works yet but I should find out this week I hope.

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