Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back in School.......Jaren's Bday

The kids finally went back to school and so far they like it when they get there but Braxton has been freaking out everyday before school, I can't handle the crying every morning and the fake sick and lies about why he doesn't want to go to school, I went in to the school yesterday and talked with the counselor and told her that I can NOT take the hassle of getting him to go to school whatever she said to him worked yesterday because he went to school today WITHOUT a fight at all!! yeah!! Ashlyn has been doing pretty well she likes her teacher and she has lots of friends in her class, but she comes home and throws fits so I have one crying all morning and one crying all afternoon after school.  My anxiety level is so high I can't even stand it, I try to take time to calm down but then I think of all the other things I have to get done that I can't relax.  I have a hard time keeping up with work and homework and kids and caregiving and trying keep family as normal as possible in our situation and keeping up with housework and taking the kids to soccer, and feeding all of us I just can't do it all, I am trying my hardest to keep us all going but my mind races 100 miles an hour and then just when I think I can take a break I look around and see a million other things I have to get done.  I am a little bit of a downer today but I really can't be positive when I am feeling this way.

I will try to get a little happier now Jaren celebrated his 37th birthday and I can't believe another year has gone by, he didn't want a party this year because it causes to much anxiety for him and he gets ornery he wanted to just hang out with his friend Noel so we went to dinner with them and their daughter and with our kids and it was delicious, we splurged and went to The Old Spaghetti Factory because the two younger kids had a free kids meal from school! after dinner we came back to our house and had German Chocolate cake that is his favorite kind.  I am so thankful that he has made it another year we have had many, many, many, many new challenges since his last bday but we made it through.  We were able to just enjoy the day with some good friends and family. 

RaKelle loves middle school.  She went to her first school dance and she loved it I thought for sure she would come home and say that she was never going to go back but she came home and said that she was definantly going again next year.  I asked her if she slow danced with anyone and she looked and me with the most disgusting face and said "eeeewwww no that is gross" so I don't have to worry about boys with her yet one less stress for now!! she is doing so good in all of her classes they print out her grades every week and they have what they call pride time and if their grades are all above a C they get to do a fun activity, if they have any C's or lower they have to go to a classroom and make up all their missing work, she has not had anything below and A- and she only got 1 A- the rest are A's I am so proud of her she is doing so well.  I never have to fight her to go to school which is really nice.


  1. Jamie,
    That's great that whatever the counselor said worked for Braxton Maybe she can talk with Ashlyn next and get the same results.
    I keep wondering if I should have my oldest son go visit with a counselor because he keeps all of his feelings to himself & I worry about him. I had a friend suggest someone that works with her kids that she likes to I need to set that up.
    All of this MLD stuff is so overwhelming and exhausting! You are doing so well to don't doubt yourself I don't know anyone that would do it better than you so give yourself credit and tell yourself your doing a great job! Because you are!!!
    I wish I could help out.


    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind." -Dr. Seuss

  2. Cindy,
    Thanks for the encouragement, I really needed it!! I would definantly have your son see a counselor, my oldest keeps a lot of her feelings in too because she doesn't want to burden me, I have all of the kids in counseling outside of school also because they are good at getting the kids to talk about things and how they are feeling. Counselors are really good about listening too, and my kids seem to do much better just talking to someone about their feelings and counselors are usually not emotionally involved with everything that we deal with for MLD.
