Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21, 2010

Today has been especially hard, we had an appointment with the psychiatrist today and since Jaren stopped his meds for depression and anxiety and refuses to take them they decided to keep him off of them they would like him to stay on one medication to control his anger issues and maybe stop fighting so much with the kids. We will see!! I think he is a point in the progression that he doesn't realize what is happening to his body and his mind and he can finally not worry about what is happening.
The psychiatrist has suggested to start him on medicine that helps Alzheimer's patients so I called the neurologist to find out if that could be an option, the answer was not what I wanted to hear, she claims that it will not help Jaren so that we should not try it, that was discouraging to me I was hoping for something to help with the memory and being able to leave him home sometimes, he has been following me everywhere I have to lock the bathroom door really fast behind me to get 5 minutes of peace and quiet, but I know he is right outside the door waiting for me.
I thought today would be a good day especially after the psychiatrist appointment. You would think that the neurologist would be willing to at least give it a try and if it doesn't work then we can go a different route.
I have been particularly discouraged this week anyway trying to find a place that will allow me to work for them and take care of him he can not be left alone at home by himself and the kids need to be kids so I try my hardest not to leave them alone with him. You can only be told NO so many times in one day before you can't handle it anymore and give up until the next day. So I guess today is one of those days where you can only do so much and then just say "oh well I have had enough today, I am sure tomorrow will be better it has to be!!"


  1. Oh Jamie,My prayers are with you, please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Good luck with everything.

  2. Thank you for sharing your blog Jamie. We will keep you in our prayers.
